HL Building Block Funds
Professionally managed, diversified investments to meet a range of objectives
Important information - This is designed for investors who want to make their own investment decisions without personal advice and understand how to build a diversified portfolio. If you are unsure of the suitability of an investment for your circumstances, please contact us for advice. Investments will fall as well as rise in value so you could get back less than you invest. The HL Funds are managed by our sister company Hargreaves Lansdown Fund Managers.
Why HL Building Blocks?
Our range of Building Block funds give you a convenient and diversified way to invest. You can choose from a range of funds invested in a variety of ways, depending on your needs and goals.
If you’re comfortable making your own investment decisions, you can use these funds to build a portfolio or add to an existing one if there’s a sector you’re looking for exposure to.
Building your own portfolio isn’t suitable for everyone. For a more hands-off approach, why not leave it to the experts by investing in a ready-made portfolio?
Find out more about Ready-made investments
Each fund invests with managers we believe have an edge over their peers.
What you’ll get:
- A dedicated team of experts managing your investment for you
- A diversified portfolio, with a mix of different funds and managers
- Funds that can perform in a range of market conditions - we balance different manager investment styles that could perform well at different times
You’ll get a higher level of service with our fund of manager’s range. This means the cost is higher than for standard funds. Full details of the cost of each fund are shown below. As with all funds, you’ll also pay our platform charge of up to 0.45% each year.
Find out more about our charges
Approach to responsible investment
Our portfolio managers choose the underlying funds with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations in mind. Find out more about what we do to invest your money responsibly.
Our Building Block range
Relative risk ratings should not be used to compare these funds with other investments. Data correct as at 31 January 2025.
Fund name | Sector | Fund size (£) | Level of risk | Ongoing Charge | Actions |
HL Global Equity IncomeGlobal income investing done for you by experts you can trust |
Global Equity Income | 234.9mn | Moderate to high | 0.79% |
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HL Global Corporate BondA way to invest in bonds issued by companies from around the world |
Global Corporate Bond | 750.7mn | Moderate | 0.63% |
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HL USAn innovative way to invest in the US |
North America | 1395.4mn | High | 0.74% |
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HL UK IncomeOur best UK Income manager picks in one investment |
UK Equity Income | 1824.4mn | High | 0.99% |
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HL Global BondOur solutions for exposure to bonds |
GBP Strategic Bond | 678.1mn | Low to moderate | 0.89% |
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HL UK GrowthStock market exposure through the most talented fund managers in the UK |
UK All Companies | 428.9mn | High | 1.04% |
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HL EuropeanManaging a continent full of opportunities |
Europe Excluding UK | 162.4mn | High | 1.25% |
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HL Emerging MarketsAccess some of the world's fastest growing nations |
Global Emerging Markets | 151.8mn | High | 1.20% |
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Our Multi-Manager range
Relative risk ratings should not be used to compare these funds with other investments. Data correct as at 31 January 2025.
Fund name | Sector | Fund size (£) | Level of risk | Ongoing Charge | Actions |
HL Special SituationsOur favourite funds from across the world focused on delivering capital growth |
Global | 1865.8mn | Moderate to high | 1.09% |
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HL High IncomeAims to provide a monthly income by investing in a wide range of different types of investment |
Mixed Investment 20-60% Shares | 434.8mn | Moderate | 0.98% |
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We've produced a report and other regulatory documents to help you understand the value our Multi-Manager funds offer investors.