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Photo of Andy

Andy's story

Andy is a retired limited company owner who found himself with spare cash and a desire to make it work harder for him.

Please note: This case study isn’t personal advice. If you’re not sure what’s best for your situation, ask for financial advice. Unlike cash, investments go up and down in value, you could get back less than you put in. Tax benefits depend on individual circumstances and rules change.

"I found myself with spare cash and a desire to make it work harder for me. My initial goals before opening an account were clear. I wanted to invest both for an income, and for growth. I didn’t want my money to languish in low-interest rate bank accounts. So, I decided to start investing. What drew me to Hargreaves Lansdown (HL), was not only it’s positive reputation, but also, it’s reasonable cost structure. I was also recommended by many friends.

I make the most of my tax allowances early in the tax year. This helps me to maximise my returns and minimise my tax liability. By investing early, my money also has longer to grow and compound. It also helps me stay disciplined when setting aside money to invest. For me, investing early makes sense. It avoids the risk of missing out on my tax allowances and it gives me peace of mind for the rest of the year.

To help with my investment decisions, I’m signed up to HL newsletters to get investment tips and research. This is an invaluable resource and helps me make informed choices on where to invest. The HL app also makes it so easy to manage my accounts. I can quickly check on the overall performance of my investments.

My experience using an HL Stocks and Shares ISA has been nothing short of excellent. I really like the ability to manage the account myself. Unlike with my old ISA provider, I don't have to pay for financial advice, and I can make my own choices. This also prompted me to transfer my ISA to HL.

Consolidating my investments helped me to simplify things. In addition to my HL ISA, I also have a HL Fund and Share Account for any additional income outside my ISA allowance. This means I can invest as much as I can afford to.

Overall, my experience with HL has been positive and hassle-free. I like how easy it is to manage my investments myself. I also like the customer service and I always get quick responses to any of my questions. My ultimate goal is to hopefully continue growing my money for when I need it. And with HL by my side, I feel confident and secure."