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Cookie policy

Date of last update: 22 November 2023.

We’re committed to protecting everyone who uses our websites. Here we explain how we use cookies to improve our service and the experience you have when using our websites.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your device when you visit our websites. They do lots of useful things like remembering your preferences or allowing us to monitor the performance of our website.

Cookies and Personal information

Some cookies that we use will collect personal data about you. Any personal data that is collected will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Types of cookies used on our websites

Session cookies are stored on your device and remain on it for the duration of your visit to our websites. When you close your browser, any session cookies that have been set will be removed from your computer’s memory. For example a session cookie could be used to remember the progress of an application or information entered into a tool or calculator.

Persistent cookies are stored on your device and remain there until they reach their expiration date, or you choose to delete them. At this point, the browser will delete the cookie from your computer’s hard drive. The website that created a persistent cookie will have access to that cookie each time you return it. Persistent cookies are used to remember your preferences and tailor our services to your requirements.

We make use of both types of cookie in order to maximise the security of our services and to ensure you always get an optimal experience from our websites. We don’t use cookies to track your use of the internet after leaving our websites, nor do we store any information about you in cookies that others (these third parties are outlined below) could read and understand.

Our websites contain first party cookies and third party cookies. First-party cookies are those set by us. Third-party cookies are authorised by us but provided by one of our suppliers. In some limited cases, we may use our suppliers to manage some of these cookies for us, but we never allow any third party to use these cookies for their own purposes.

How can you manage your cookie preferences?

Most web browsers allow you to manage cookies via the browser settings. For example you may choose to delete existing cookies, prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie or disable cookies altogether. It is worth noting that in the event that cookies are disabled you will find that certain areas of the website will not work, or won’t work correctly.

The cookies we use and why

Cookies What we use them for
Adobe Analytics
Adobe analytics allow us to measure the performance of the site and gather information on what visitors are doing while on our sites.
Chart Beat cookies allow us to monitor overall usage of our sites on a real time basis.
These cookies are from the following third party ad platforms we partner with: Microsoft, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Yahoo and Impact Radius. They allow us to track user activity across the website, this data is then used to monitor ad performance and therefore to improve your advertising experience and provide you with the most relevant messages.
These cookies allow help us improve the experience by allowing our sites to recall certain preferences, or recently viewed investments.
Google Analytics.
Google Analytics allow us to measure the performance of the site and gather information on what visitors are doing while on our sites. You can opt out of these Cookies via : http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
mbox Adobe Target allows us to serve different content to different audiences on our sites.
This group of cookies are used to manage your preferences once you are logged in. It manages things like your live price preferences. They also ensure security while you are logged in.
This cookie is used to run tests that help us improve the experience you have on our website.

Changes to this Cookie Policy

HL reserve the right to revise or supplement this Cookie Policy from time to time. You should bookmark and periodically review this page to ensure that you are familiar with the most current version of this Cookie Policy and so you are aware of what the cookies on our websites are used for. You can determine when this Cookie Policy was last revised by checking the "Date of last update" legend at the top of this Cookie Policy.

More information

If you do have any further questions then please don’t hesitate to contact the Hargreaves Lansdown helpdesk on 01179009000 who will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the cookies we use on our website. Alternatively, these sites provide more information about cookies what they are and how they work: www.aboutcookies.org and www.allaboutcookies.org.