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Financially Fearless Article Hub

Whether you’re a seasoned pro, or just starting out, these articles will help you take your financial knowledge to the next level.

They aren’t personal advice, but they will give you helpful information. If you’re not sure what’s right for your circumstances, ask us about financial advice.

Please note that investments fall as well as rise in value, so you could get back less than you invest.

Our latest articles

Personal Finance


The journey toward Gender Parity continues

The journey toward Gender Parity continues in 2025. But full equality remains a distant goal.

Laura Burridge

6m read


Empowering female leaders: Let’s break that glass ceiling

In 2021, women held around 8% of CEO roles in Fortune 500 companies (US largest companies). Up from less than 1% in 2000. It’s a sign that the glass ceiling is cracking but we're still waiting for it to shatter.

Laura Burridge

6m read


How to manage money: A 10-step plan for 2025

Resolutions are like the crash diets of the financial world, where people make an enormous effort for a few weeks, find it too hard, give up, and go straight back to their bad habits. 6 in 10 of us make them, women are more likely to than men – 64% compared to 55%. Yet, less than 10% of people will build a habit that lasts more than a year.

Clare Stinton

8m read


Navigating inherited wealth and owning it

Women are set to inherit 70% of global wealth in the next two generations, so let’s get ready.

Laura Burridge

7m read


The pay gap is just the start

Women stop getting paid today.

Sarah Coles

6m read


Is the “Singles Tax” a real thing?

Life might be getting easier for some, but singles are still struggling with the ‘singles tax’. But what is it, and how can savers be better prepared?

Sarah Coles

6m read


Tips to limit the impact of childcare on your financial resilience

We take a look at how families are faring with the costs of childcare, potential help from the government, and tips to help you limit the financial impact.

Susannah Streeter

6m read

Whose hands are your money matters in?

The value of you and your partner planning your finances together.

Sarah Coles

5m read

Britain’s first female Chancellor – what’s next for investors?

Who is the new Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves, and what does she mean for your money?

Sarah Coles

4m read

How our partner can influence our views and attitudes about money

Are you married to your own financial glass ceiling?

Sarah Coles

4m read

What can we learn from female breadwinners?

Four things that female breadwinners can teach us about managing our finances.

Sarah Coles

3m read

How to boost your family’s financial resilience

Expecting in 2024? Here are 5 tips to boost your family’s financial resilience.

Clare Stinton

5m read

Seven ways to slay your finances

And why the end of the tax year is the time to do it.

Sarah Coles

5m read

Women have the potential to become more financially resilient

We explore why increased financial resilience can help us close the financial gender gaps.

Susannah Streeter

3m read

Swipe left for debt: financial dating red flags

We explore the common financial red flags you might find on a date, and how to overcome them.

Sarah Coles

7m read

How do millennials manage money?

We ask 5 Financially Fearless millennials for their top money tips.

Laura Burridge

7m read

We’re not adults until we’re 26

At least in money terms. But is this a bad thing?

Sarah Coles

2m read

A recipe for financial success

Find out how to cook your way towards financial success in this step-by-step guide.

Clare Stinton

3m read

Are you keeping any money secrets?

16% of people hide some aspect of their finances from their partner. But does this have a long-term impact?

Sarah Coles

3m read


Is the future of wealth female?

With women set to own 60% of the UK’s wealth by 2025, we take a closer look at the great wealth shift.

Maike Currie

4m read

Should you plan your finances as a couple?

“She’s everything. He’s just Ken” – the perils of ‘pink’ and ‘blue’ jobs.

Sarah Coles

3m read

Don’t worry, buy that frappé

Review your spending, but don’t feel guilty about buying your favourite coffee.

Laura Burridge

3m read

Say hello to the YES fund

Find out how the YES fund can help you achieve financial freedom.

Laura Burridge

2m read

Your ultimate financial wellbeing pamper hamper

Why financial wellness should be part of your self-care routine.

Clare Stinton

6m read

Dating and debt – should you care and what to do

Is debt a dating dealbreaker? We look at why it matters and what you can do about it.

Sarah Coles

5m read

How to combat the rising cost of childcare

We share our top tips to be #FinanciallyFearless in the childcare crisis.

Susannah Streeter

5m read

Why money is a feminist issue

And why Financially Fearless is about embracing true equity.

Maike Currie

5m read

Love being single? How to overcome the price you pay

On average, a single adult spends £9,836 to cover the cost of housing, bills and groceries, marginally higher than the equivalent average per person spend for a couple (£7,579). Here are our top tips to overcome the price you pay.

Helen Morrissey

7m read



Why investing in an ISA now could be a game changer later

Investing in an Individual Savings Account (ISA) offers many benefits, even if you don’t currently pay capital gains tax (CGT) or income tax. It’s easy to overlook an ISA when you’re not worried about taxes. But making use of this tax-efficient wrapper now, could set you up for advantages later in life.

Laura Burridge

7m read


Empowering the next generation: JISA to the rescue

71% of named representatives on HL Junior ISAs are men, which means it’s highly likely that most are managed by dads.

Laura Burridge

6m read

Confused by compounding: Why it matters

A crucial concept, but misunderstood by many. Here’s why its important.

Sarah Coles

4m read

You don’t need to be rich to invest

Why regular investing is the best thing you can do right now.

Susannah Streeter

3m read

Investing in my 20s – what every woman should know

Your twenties and financial freedom. Not usually two concepts we think go together.

Sophie Lund-Yates

4m read

Women: invest, don't just save

Women are amazing savers, but now it’s time to invest.

Maike Currie

2m read

Investment masterclass - how to make your first investment

Ready to start your investing journey? Here are some tips on making your first investment.

Laura Burridge

2m read

You can make money and do good at the same time

Why ESG should be part of your investment strategy.

Tara Irwin

3m read



Closing the Pension Gap: Let’s Boost Our Contributions

The gender pension gap is reducing for those with private pension wealth, now standing at only 10% for women aged 35-39. But with a 35% gap remaining overall, it still lingers like a stubborn cold we can’t quite shake.

Laura Burridge

4m read

The FIRE movement

Can you really retire before 50? Well, those who follow The FIRE Movement (Financial Independence, Retire Early) believe they can.

Helen Morrissey

7m read

What you need to know about the gender pension gap

The gender private pension gap is closing, but not fast enough.

Helen Morrissey

3m read

Top 5 tips to close the gender pension gap

Chances are you’ve heard of the gender pay gap. However, you may be less familiar with its bigger sister - the gender pension gap.

Clare Stinton

5m read

Case Studies

Kremi’s journey towards financial independence

HL client Kremi shares how she navigates the complexities of investing for the future.

Laura Burridge

4m read

Ask Financially Fearless – who are our money role models?

Move over Superman, there are some new heroes in town.

Laura Burridge

5m read