Important information - This fund is designed for investors who want to make their own investment decisions and build diversified portfolios. Investing for longer increases the likelihood of positive returns. Over a period of five years or more, investments usually give you a higher return compared to cash savings. But investments and any income from them can go down as well as up in value, so you could get back less than you put in.
This isn’t personal advice – please ask us for advice if you’re not sure an investment is right for you. This fund is managed by Hargreaves Lansdown Fund Managers Ltd., part of the Hargreaves Lansdown Group.
Invest in the HL Global Equity Income Fund and you’ll get:
An expert team on your side
HL’s dedicated team of fund managers and analysts oversee and support the fund. They’ve extensively researched the market and handpicked what they believe are some of the best global equity income fund managers out there to pick stocks. -
Global investing done for you
HL’s chosen underlying fund managers will do the hard work of finding investment opportunities from across the world. Your portfolio will gain a blend of the underlying managers’ tried and tested strategies. This makes it a great option for investors comfortable building their own portfolios, looking for a simple way to diversify their holdings and income streams. It’s worth noting that the fund can invest up to 20% in emerging markets, which adds risk. -
Monthly income
Income generated from the fund is managed for you by HL, aiming to provide you with a monthly income. The only choice you need to make is whether you receive or re-invest the income. As with all investments, any income is variable and not guaranteed. -
All at a great price
Investing in the HL Global Equity Income Fund is cheaper than the average cost of other global equity income funds. And, with this fund, you get stocks picked for you by several external managers. You’ll also have the reassurance of knowing HL’s expert team are continuously monitoring the fund to ensure it’s on track with the fund’s objectives. Once you’ve invested, all you need to do is check in on your portfolio from time to time using the HL website or app, to make sure the fund’s still in line with your investment goals.
Find out what you need to know about the HL Global Equity Income Fund.
Investing takes minutes
You can invest with a lump sum from £100, or £25 by monthly Direct Debit. This investment can be held in any HL account.
As this is a long-term investment, you should be comfortable holding this fund for at least five years.
Investing in funds isn't right for everyone. You should only invest if the fund's objectives are aligned with your own, and there's a specific need for the type of investment being made. You should understand the specific risks of the fund before you invest, and make sure any new investment forms part of a diversified portfolio. Investments will fall as well as rise in value so you could get back less than you invest.
Before making an investment, please read the key investor information, and the HL Key Features and Terms and Conditions of any new account you may open.
Ready to invest?
Key Investor Information Fund prospectus View fund factsheet
Key Investor Information Fund prospectus
This fund is available in both accumulation and income units.
Data correct as at 10 October 2024.
Yearly charge based on an example £1,000 investment:
Initial charge
Ongoing charge
HL platform fee
Total charge
Initial charge
Ongoing charge
HL platform fee
Total charge
The ongoing charge is taken directly from the fund. This covers the management of the fund and all expenses other than transactional fees, which are charged on top of this. These costs are incurred by all funds when shares are bought or sold and are reflected in the fund’s price.
The HL account charge is our fee for looking after your investments, which won't be over 0.45% per year. Both of these charges will be payable if you want to hold the fund with HL, amounting to a maximum of just 1.24% in total per year. The above example assumes no growth.
This fund is managed by Hargreaves Lansdown Fund Managers Ltd., part of the Hargreaves Lansdown Group. If you invest, HL will receive the fund's management charge, as well as the account charge.
Building out your portfolio?
If you’re comfortable building out your own portfolio and would like HL’s dedicated team of fund managers to look after more of your investments, consider HL's Portfolio Building Block funds:
- They can be used to build a portfolio or add to an existing one
- They provide a simple way to diversify across sectors
- Over 400,000 investors already trust HL's expert fund management teams with more than £10bn of their money