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HL Emerging Markets

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Sell: 148.20p|Buy: 148.20p|Change 0.51p (0.34%)

Correct as at 24/03/2025

Important - The value of this fund and the income from it can still fall, so you could get back less than you invested, especially over the short term. If you are unsure of the suitability of any investment for your circumstance, please contact us for advice. Tax rules can change and benefits depend on individual circumstances.

How the HL Emerging Markets fund works

Emerging market companies have plenty of growth potential. But for investors, navigating the vast selection of funds and managers in this space can be overwhelming.

This fund lets you leave the fund manager selection to us. We’ve carefully chosen what we consider the funds with the best performance potential from the Global Emerging Markets sector to create a multi-manager fund that we believe has an edge over peers.

You'll get a broad investment in companies of different sizes across emerging markets countries. The fund could form part of a geographically diversified growth portfolio.

Your money will be invested in shares across emerging markets, including some smaller companies. This makes this fund a higher-risk option. As with most investments, you should plan to hold it for at least five years. If you're unsure whether investing is right for you, find out whether you should save or invest.

You can invest with a one-off payment from £100 or monthly payments from £25.

With one investment you'll get:

  • A balanced approach
    The HL Emerging Markets fund brings together a variety of investment styles and shares of companies from higher-risk emerging markets countries, meaning the fund is positioned to perform in a variety of market conditions.
  • The opportunity to beat the market
    The HL Emerging Markets fund is actively managed so there's potential to beat the market. The fund aims to grow your investment in excess of the total return of the MSCI Emerging Market NR GBP Index, over any five-year period. Returns are measured after the deduction of the fund’s charges.
  • HL expertise
    HL’s own fund managers will oversee the fund, supported by a well-resourced fund research team. They’ll rebalance the portfolio, identify the next investment opportunity or make changes when they feel it’s the right time to do so.

Before making an investment, please read the key investor information, HL key features and terms and conditions. You should understand the specific risks of the fund before you invest, and make sure any new investment forms part of a diversified portfolio.

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Key Investor Information Fund prospectus View fund factsheet

Key Investor Information

Fund prospectus

View fund factsheet


Data correct as at 31 January 2025.

Yearly charge based on an example £1,000 investment:


Initial charge


Ongoing charge


HL platform fee


Total charge


Initial charge


Ongoing charge


HL platform fee


Total charge

The ongoing charge is taken directly from the fund. This covers the management of the fund and all expenses other than transactional fees which are charged on top of this, these costs are incurred by all funds when shares are bought or sold and are reflected in the fund’s price.

The HL platform fee is our charge for looking after your investments, which won't be over 0.45% per year. Both of these charges will be payable if you want to hold the fund with HL, amounting to a maximum of just 1.63% in total per year. The above example assumes no growth.

This fund is managed by Hargreaves Lansdown Fund Managers Ltd., part of the Hargreaves Lansdown Group. If you invest, HL will receive the fund's management charge, as well as the platform fee.

See how the costs will affect your investment in detail

View HL’s charges

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Building out your portfolio?

If you’re comfortable building out your own portfolio and would like HL’s dedicated team of fund managers to look after more of your investments, consider HL's Portfolio Building Block funds:

  • They can be used to build a portfolio or add to an existing one
  • They provide a simple way to diversify across sectors
  • Over 400,000 investors already trust HL's expert fund management teams with more than £10bn of their money

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