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Invest by Direct Debit

Invest by Direct Debit

No charge

Start investing from £25 a month

Important information - Investments can go down as well as up in value, so you could get back less than you put in. The information on this page isn't advice - please ask us for financial advice if you’re not sure which investments are right for you.

What is investing by Direct Debit?

Invest automatically with a monthly Direct Debit from £25 per investment.

  • Choose your investments first, and your Direct Debit amount for each one.
  • Or add money to your account each month and decide where to invest it later.

How it works

  • 7th of the month
    Direct Debit taken from your bank account. It may take 24 hours to show in your HL account
  • 10th of the month
    Investments are made

Dates are to the next working day, if they fall on a weekend or bank holiday.

These dates can't be changed.

What can you invest in?

  • Ready-made investments
  • Funds
  • FTSE-350 shares
  • Certain and
  • Discover our investment ideas

What are the charges?

  • No charge to invest in funds – you’ll just pay our platform fee for holding the fund in an account. See our Fund charges
  • Free share trading – there’s now no charge when you invest in shares, investment trusts and ETFs by Direct Debit. You’ll only pay our dealing commission when you sell. See our dealing charges
  • It’s currently free to hold shares in a Fund and Share Account but there are charges to hold them in ISA or SIPP accounts. See our charges

Why invest by Direct Debit?

  • It's good discipline - it takes the emotion out of your decisions, and you won’t be tempted to try timing the market.
  • It's automatic - so long as you check you're still in line with your investing goals, the Direct Debit does the work for you.
  • It's free - no charge to buy shares with a Direct Debit, compared to £11.95 online.

How much should I invest?

£ a month


Your results

About this calculator: This calculator is an example - it doesn’t show what your investments will actually be worth. Remember investments can go down as well as up in value so you could get back less than you put in.

To make these calculations, we've included an annual charge of 1.25%, but this could be lower or higher, depending on the investments you hold. We haven’t factored in inflation. These results are based on a growth rate of 5%, unless you have adjusted the growth rate in 'Additional options'.

How to set up a Direct Debit

For Stocks and Shares ISA, Lifetime ISA, Junior ISA, SIPP and Fund and Share Account

The fastest way to set up a Direct Debit is online.

  1. Log in and choose the account in which you'd like to set up a Direct Debit
  2. Click 'Monthly Savings'
  3. You'll need your bank details to hand

Log in now

How to set up a Direct Debit

You'll need to open an account first.

Invest by a Direct Debit into one of the following accounts:

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Best UK Pension Provider
Investing in the Web's Global Broker Awards 2024
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Boring Money Awards 2025
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The Personal Finance Awards 2023/24

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