Lifetime ISA
Important information - You can withdraw money from a Lifetime ISA to buy your first home, or for later life at age 60. Other withdrawals will usually mean a 25% government charge, so you could get back less than you put in. Using a Lifetime ISA for later life complements a pension.
How much Lifetime ISA bonus could you get?
Try our Lifetime ISA calculator to find out how much your government bonus could be worth.
Amount you'd like to invest each year
Please enter a valid birth date. You must be between 18 and 39 years old to start a Lifetime ISA.
About this Lifetime ISA calculator
This Lifetime ISA calculator is an example - it doesn’t show what your investments will actually be worth. Remember investments can go down as well as up in value so you could get back less than you put in.
Tax rules for Lifetime ISAs can change and any benefits depend on individual circumstances. We haven’t factored in inflation which erodes the future spending power of money. Investing is best considered for the long term (5 years or more).

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