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Germany's economic advisers to cut 2024 growth forecast

Article originally published by Reuters. Hargreaves Lansdown is not responsible for its content or accuracy and may not share the author's views. News and research are not personal recommendations to deal. All investments can fall in value so you could get back less than you invest.

Germany's economic advisers plan to follow the federal government's lead and reduce their forecast for economic growth in 2024, adviser Ulrike Malmendier told Reuters in an interview published on Wednesday.

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"I think we will definitely be going in the same direction... that is what our numbers are indicating," Malmendier said.

The November forecast of the council of advisers to the government estimated growth would hit just 0.7% in 2024. The next official update is due in mid-May.

Germany's federal government has slashed its growth forecast to 0.2% from 1.3%, Reuters reported last week, due to low growth in the global economy and a German constitutional court ruling that blew a hole in the country's budget.

The government is due to publish its annual economic report later on Wednesday.

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