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Most bought Stocks and Shares ISA shares this tax year

Which shares did HL Stocks and Shares ISA investors buy most of this tax year? Find out now.
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Important information - This article isn’t personal advice. If you’re not sure whether an investment is right for you please seek advice. If you choose to invest the value of your investment will rise and fall, so you could get back less than you put in.

It’s been a roller coaster 12 months for investors – from key elections in markets like the US and the UK, which brought in new leaders and policy uncertainty, to stubborn inflation and now fears of recession.

These ups and downs have created both trepidation and opportunities for investors, but where have they been investing over this tax year?

Here are the most bought shares by HL’s Stocks and Shares ISA investors in the 2024/2025 tax year.

This article isn’t personal advice. If you’re not sure an investment is right for you, seek advice. Investments will rise and fall in value, so you could get back less than you invest. Past performance isn’t a guide to the future.

If you’re living with an addiction, like gambling, we understand the impact it can have on your finances and wellbeing. If you feel it might be affecting your ability to manage your HL account independently, we can help. There are also a number of organisations who can help here.

Which shares did HL Stocks and Shares ISA investors buy most of in the 2024/25 tax year?

The list below shows the most bought shares on the FTSE 350 and S&P 500 by number of trades (minus any sales) by HL’s investors in the 2024/25 tax year.

Information correct as at 01/03/25.

Investing in an individual company isn’t right for everyone because if that company fails, you could lose your whole investment. If you cannot afford this, investing in a single company might not be right for you. You should make sure you understand the companies you’re investing in and their specific risks. You should also make sure any shares you own are part of a diversified portfolio.

This article has been written independently of our investment research team to offer some inspiration.

If you’re looking for analysis on more than 110 UK and overseas stocks from our expert analysts, sign up for our share research updates.

If you’re looking for share ideas for your Stocks and Shares ISA this tax year, or the next, here are the shares our analysts are watching in 2025.

How to add more diversification to your portfolio

Collective investments like funds can be a great way to diversify your portfolio.

If you’re looking for fund inspiration from our fund research team on where to invest, you can use our Wealth Shortlist.

It’s designed to help investors build and maintain a well-balanced and diversified portfolio. We’ve put funds under the microscope to make sure the list only contains the funds that our in-depth analysis shows have the greatest long-term performance potential.

Leave the day-to-day investment decisions to the experts

If you don't feel comfortable building and maintaining a portfolio, take a look at our ready-made portfolios. These portfolio funds let you choose how to balance risk and potential returns.

All you’ll need to do is review your choice regularly to make sure it still meets your needs and objectives.

Say hello to tax-free growth

You can invest without having to worry about UK income and capital gains tax with our most popular account, the HL Stocks and Shares ISA.

Open or top up an ISA from as little as £25 a month or a £100 lump sum.

Before you apply, make sure you’re happy with our terms and conditions (including Tariff of Charges) and key features. Then all you need is your debit card and National Insurance number to hand.

Plus, if you act before 5 April you could benefit from one of our special offers for new and existing HL clients. Terms apply.

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Written by
Blair Collins-Smith.png
Blair Collins-Thomas
Communications Manager

Blair is a Communications Manager, writing about personal finance and the UK stock market. He comes from a private equity and asset management background writing for Investec, Amundi ETF, J.P Morgan, and BNP Paribas.

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Article history
Published: 17th March 2025