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The most bought Stocks and Shares ISA funds this tax year

Discover which funds HL Stocks and Shares ISA investors have been buying so far in the 2024/25 tax year.
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Important information - This article isn’t personal advice. If you’re not sure whether an investment is right for you please seek advice. If you choose to invest the value of your investment will rise and fall, so you could get back less than you put in.

There are just a few weeks to go until the end of the tax year on 5 April.

Tax bills are continuing to rise, so securing your valuable ISA allowance before the tax year end deadline is more important than ever.

The more money you shelter from tax, the more it can grow over the long term.

The annual ISA allowance for the current tax year is £20,000. And with HL you can split this between the Stocks and Shares ISA, Cash ISA,and Lifetime ISA (up to £4,000 until age 50 and must be opened before age 40).

But with the end of the tax year looming, where have HL clients invested their Stocks and Shares ISAs in this tax year so far?

We take a closer look and share how you can pick investment ideas for your own Stocks and Shares ISA.

ISA and tax benefits depend on personal circumstances and rules can change.

Where have HL's Stocks and Shares ISA clients put their money in the 2024/25 tax year so far?

The table below shows the most bought actively-managed funds (trying to beat the market) and tracker funds (trying to track the market), by HL's Stocks and Shares ISA investors in the 2024/25 tax year so far (6 April 2024 – 12 March 2025).

This is by number of trades (minus any sales) with the funds listed alphabetically.

This article has been written independently of our investment research team to offer some inspiration, but it isn't personal advice or a guide on how or where to invest.

Investing for the long term (that’s at least five years) increases your chances of positive returns compared to cash savings. But unlike cash, investments rise and fall in value, so you could get back less than you put in.

You should choose investments based on your own objectives and attitude to risk. If you're not sure whether an investment is right for you, ask for financial advice.

Correct as at 12 March 2025.

HL Funds are managed by Hargreaves Lansdown Fund Managers Ltd., part of the Hargreaves Lansdown Group.

How to pick investments for an ISA

If you’re looking for inspiration from our investment research team on where to invest your ISA this tax year, explore our latest ISA investment ideas.

Or you can use our Wealth Shortlist.

It’s designed to help investors build and maintain a well-balanced and diversified portfolio.

We’ve put funds under the microscope to make sure the list only contains the funds that our in-depth analysis shows have the greatest long-term performance potential.

Investing in funds won’t be right for everyone though. Only invest in a fund if its objectives align with your own, and there’s a specific need for that type of investment within your portfolio. Investors should understand the specific risks of a fund before they invest and be investing for the long-term (five years or more).

It’s also important not to put all your eggs in one basket. Spreading your money and diversifying, gives you access to more opportunities and can reduce risk.

Leave day-to-day investment decisions to the experts

If you’ve got an HL Stocks and Shares ISA and want a team of experts to look after the day-to-day investment decisions, consider a Ready-Made Investment.

You can pick from four ready-made investments, which let you choose how to balance risk and potential returns.

All you’ll need to do is check in on your investment from time to time to make sure it still meets your needs and objectives.

HL Ready-Made Investments are managed by our sister company Hargreaves Lansdown Fund Managers Ltd.

Say hello to tax-free growth

You can invest without having to worry about UK income and capital gains tax with our most popular account, the HL Stocks and Shares ISA.

Open or top up an ISA from as little as £25 a month or a £100 lump sum.

Before you apply, make sure you’re happy with our terms and conditions (including Tariff of Charges) and key features. Then all you need is your debit card and National Insurance number to hand.

Plus, if you act before 5 April you could benefit from one of our special offers for new and existing HL clients. Terms apply.

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Written by
Alex Mears-Jennings headshot
Alex Mears-Jennings
Investment Writer

Alex is responsible for being the driving force behind promoting our HL Select funds. She comes from a diverse background in Journalism, including being a Senior Reporter for BBC News, bringing her experience to also create insightful content on personal finance.

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Article history
Published: 14th March 2025