Junior SIPP
How much could your child’s pension be worth in the future?
This pension calculator will help you find out how much your child’s pension could be worth by the time they reach retirement age. You can adjust the annual payment value, how old the child is when contributions start and the investment growth rate to see how the pension value could be affected.
A total of £3,600 can usually be paid into a child’s pension each tax year. This includes up to £720 tax relief, which the government pays, and up to £2,880 from individuals. Pension and tax rules can change, and any benefits will depend on individual circumstances.
Actual amount you add
(after government tax relief)
Monthly: Annually:
Important information: This calculator is just an illustration, not a projection of what your child’s investments will be worth. The actual annual growth rate will depend on the investments chosen. Remember, investments can fall as well as rise in value so your child could get back less than invested. Results are calculated with an assumed annual charge of 1.25% (based on our platform charge and a typical fund annual charge). The actual charges could be higher or lower than this (see Junior SIPP Charges).
This illustration assumes that no contributions are made once the child turns 18. Results don’t take account of inflation, which will reduce the amount of goods and services money can buy in the future. Try our inflation calculator to learn more. Money in a pension can be accessed from age 55 (57 from 2028, which is likely to rise further in the future).
Why choose the HL Junior SIPP?
The HL Junior Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) gives you more freedom and choice compared to some other child pensions. And with a wide range of investment options, money has more potential to grow.