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Savings insights

Important information - These articles give you information to help you make the most of your money, but they aren’t personal advice. If you’re not sure if a certain action is right for you, please ask for advice.

From the basics of savings accounts to savvy strategies, these articles will help you make the most of your cash.

Inflation ignorance

Inflation and interest are a part of everyday life. Not understanding them makes it harder to save for the future. This short guide will cut through the jargon and help you take control of your cash.

Guy James

3m read

Savings account basics

Learn all about savings accounts. How they work, what types are available, and deciding which is right for you.

Guy James

5m read

Discover Active Savings

Active Savings could help you get a better return on your hard-earned cash.

Find out more

What is a Savings Platform?

We’re a savings platform. Sounds fancy, but what does it really mean? And why should you care?

Duncan Jeffery

3m read

Personal Savings Allowance explained

We explain your Personal Savings Allowance. Plus, when and how to pay tax on your savings.

Guy James

3m read

ISAs vs Savings Accounts

We explain the differences between ISAs and other savings accounts, and how to decide which is right for your financial goals.

Guy James

3m read

What is a Cash ISA?

A Cash ISA is a type of savings account that allows you to earn interest free from UK income tax. Here we explain how Cash ISAs work and how to decide if a Cash ISA is right for you.

Guy James

3m read

What affects savings rates?

There are a number of things that affect the interest rate that you’ll receive on your savings. Here are some of the most important, although it’s not an exhaustive list.

Guy James

4m read

How are my savings taxed?

Learn how the savings account you choose can affect the amount you’ll be taxed.

Guy James

2m read

Tips to help you save

Everyone needs cash, it’s vital to cover day-to-day expenses and unexpected costs. But having it sat earning little-to-no interest is a sure way to let rising prices eat away at its value. If you’re looking for an easy way to improve your cash returns, here are our five top tips.

Guy James

2m read

How safe are smaller banks?

People often save with big high street banks because they trust them. But the best rates are normally available from smaller banks and building societies.

Guy James

2m read

The rising costs of learning to drive, and how your savings can help

Getting on the road is becoming more expensive. But it's still a key opportunity for young people. We look at how to make your money go further if you want to help them.

Duncan Jeffery

3m read

Fixed rate bonds - everything you need to know

Fixed rates are at their highest level in 13 years. Find out how fixed rate bonds work, and how locking their cash away for a set period can give savers the best available returns on their savings.

Duncan Jeffery

3m read