Savings calculator
How much better off could you be?How much will your savings be worth?
Our savings interest calculator can help you estimate the future value of your savings.
Knowing how much to save and for how long can help you achieve your financial goals with confidence.
Please note this calculator assumes the interest rate doesn’t change, no further deposits or withdrawals are made and that interest is paid and compounded once each year. It also does not take into account the different types of savings products available with Active Savings. The value of your savings will depend upon personal circumstances, the rates available and options you choose.
Some of the best rates on offer
Easy access
Pays a variable interest rate. Withdraw money at any time - it usually takes 1 working day.
Limited access
Pays a variable interest rate. Limited number of money withdrawals without penalty.
Fixed rate
Pays a fixed interest rate for the length of the term. Withdraw money at the end of the term.
Easy access
4.26% | 4.18%
1 year
4.40% | 4.40%
6 months
4.40% | 4.35%
2 years
4.52% | 4.52%
Easy access
4.26% | 4.18%
6 Months
4.40% | 4.35%
1 year
4.40% | 4.40%
2 years
4.52% | 4.52%
Minimum deposits apply. Please note products can be added or withdrawn at any time.
Log in to your Active Savings account
Open an Active Savings account
The Active Savings service is provided by Hargreaves Lansdown Savings Limited (company number 8355960). Hargreaves Lansdown Savings Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (firm reference number 915119). Hargreaves Lansdown Savings Limited is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 with firm reference 901007 for the issuing of electronic money.
AER (Annual Equivalent Rate) shows what the interest rate/expected profit rate would be if it was paid and compounded once each year. It helps you compare the rates on different savings products.
Gross means the rate without any tax removed. Interest/profits are paid gross. You are responsible for paying any tax due on interest/profits that exceed your Personal Savings Allowance to HM Revenue & Customs.
AER (Annual Equivalent Rate) shows what the interest rate/expected profit rate would be if it was paid and compounded once each year. It helps you compare the rates on different savings products. Once you have opened a fixed term product the rate won't change, but rates on easy access products can vary.
Gross means the rate without any tax removed. Interest/profits are paid gross. You are responsible for paying any tax due on interest/profits that exceed your Personal Savings Allowance to HM Revenue & Customs. Tax treatment can change. Once you have opened a fixed term product the rate won't change, but rates on easy access products can vary.
If you are considering adding money to this savings product, please ensure you have opened an Active Savings Account and given us your instructions before the application deadline.
The savings of private individuals held with authorised banks and building societies are covered under FSCS. All of our partner banks are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and covered under FSCS.
AER (Annual Equivalent Rate) shows what the interest rate/expected profit rate would be if it was paid and compounded once each year. It helps you compare the rates on different savings products. Once you have opened a fixed term product the rate won't change, but rates on easy access products can vary.
Gross means the rate without any tax removed. Interest/profits are paid gross. You are responsible for paying any tax due on interest/profits that exceed your Personal Savings Allowance to HM Revenue & Customs. Tax treatment can change.
Get started in three easy steps
Step 1
Open an Active Savings account
It takes minutes.
Step 2
Add money to the cash hub
Organise your money using the cash hub. It's a temporary holding place where you can move money from.
Step 3
Choose your savings
Move cash to one or more products and start earning interest.
This website is issued by Hargreaves Lansdown Asset Management Limited (company number 1896481), which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with firm reference 115248.
The Active Savings service is provided by Hargreaves Lansdown Savings Limited (company number 8355960). Hargreaves Lansdown Savings Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (firm reference number 915119). Hargreaves Lansdown Savings Limited is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 with firm reference 901007 for the issuing of electronic money.
Hargreaves Lansdown Asset Management Limited and Hargreaves Lansdown Savings Limited are subsidiaries of Hargreaves Lansdown plc (company number 2122142).
AER (Annual Equivalent Rate) shows what the interest rate/expected profit rate would be if it was paid and compounded once each year. It helps you compare the rates on different savings products. Once you have opened a fixed term product the rate won't change, but rates on easy access products can vary.
Gross means the rate without any tax removed. Interest/profits are paid gross. You are responsible for paying any tax due on interest/profits that exceed your Personal Savings Allowance to HM Revenue & Customs. Tax treatment can change.