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Brent Crude Oil: Latest price and chart

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-0.69 (-0.94%)
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Brent Crude Oil Exchange Traded Commodities

Important information: some of these investments are likely to be complex, which means they can be high risk and are unlikely to be appropriate for all investors. You should check the factsheet for more details before investing.

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EPIC Name Current price Day change Go to
BRNB WisdomTree Bloomberg Brent Crude Oil ETF (GBP) 3,128.00 -33.00 -1.04%
BRND WisdomTree Bloomberg Brent Crude Oil(USD) 40.48 -0.41 -1.01%
BRNT WisdomTree Brent Crude Oil 50.78 -0.51 -0.98%
SBRT WisdomTree Brent Crude Oil 1x Daily Short 15.28 +0.15 +1.01%
LBRT WisdomTree Brent Crude Oil 2x Daily Leveraged 53.13 -1.29 -2.38%
3BSR WisdomTree Brent Crude Oil 3x Daily Short 55.90 +1.65 +3.04%
BRNG WisdomTree Brent Crude Oil ETF (GBP) 3,921.50 -36.00 -0.91%
FBRT WisdomTree Brent Crude Oil Longer Dated 60.31 -0.67 -1.10%
CRUD WisdomTree WTI Crude Oil 9.80 -0.11 -1.09%
PCRD WisdomTree WTI Crude Oil - GBP Daily Hedged 299.25 -3.25 -1.07%
SOIL WisdomTree WTI Crude Oil 1x Daily Short 17.65 +0.19 +1.07%
LOIL WisdomTree WTI Crude Oil 2x Daily Leveraged 11.11 -0.24 -2.11%


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This is a Sophisticated Investment. Although not all sophisticated investments are high risk, many of them are. Please ensure this investment is suitable for your personal circumstances before you continue.

This investment is not listed on the London Stock Exchange. Please ensure this investment is suitable for your personal circumstances before you continue.

This investment is not listed on the London Stock Exchange. It is also a Sophisticated Investment. Although not all sophisticated investments are high risk, many of them are. Please ensure this investment is suitable for your personal circumstances before you continue.