Important information - Please remember the value of investments, and any income from them, can fall as well as rise so you could get back less than you invest. This article is provided to help you make your own investment decisions, it is not advice. If you are unsure of the suitability of an investment for your circumstances please seek advice. No news or research item is a personal recommendation to deal.
Fund research
Artemis Income - the technological impact on the investment universe
Equity income investing is a tried and tested strategy for growing wealth over the long term and the Artemis Income Fund is one of our favoured funds in this sector.

Important information - This article isn’t personal advice. If you’re not sure whether an investment is right for you please seek advice. If you choose to invest the value of your investment will rise and fall, so you could get back less than you put in.
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Article history
Published: 25th September 2017