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Personal finance

Retirees will benefit from a State Pension boost

The State Pension is set to rise by 10.1% in April. We reveal how much more you could get, what age you can start claiming income, and how you might benefit if you delay taking it.

Important information - This article isn’t personal advice. If you’re not sure whether an investment is right for you please seek advice. If you choose to invest the value of your investment will rise and fall, so you could get back less than you put in.

This article is more than 2 years old

It was correct at the time of publishing. Our views and any references to tax, investment, and pension rules may have changed since then.

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Written by
Isabel McDougall
Isabel McDougall
Pensions and Retirement Writer

Isabel specialises in all things pensions. She covers a wide range of topics, including the latest pension news and top tips for retirement planning. She joined HL in 2016 where she first developed her pension knowledge and passion for helping investors save towards their future.

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Article history
Published: 3rd February 2023