Hargreaves Lansdown plc (HL.) Ordinary 0.4p

Hargreaves Lansdown plc Ordinary 0.4p
- Type:
- Scheme of Arrangement
- Shareholder action required:
- Yes
- Status:
- Cash due
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- This stock can be held in a

Hargreaves Lansdown plc Ordinary 0.4p
- Type:
- Scheme of Arrangement
- Shareholder action required:
- Yes
- Status:
- Cash due

Hargreaves Lansdown plc Ordinary 0.4p
- Type:
- Scheme of Arrangement
- Shareholder action required:
- Yes
- Status:
- Cash due

HL comment
HL comment is not available for this stock.
The London Stock Exchange does not disclose whether a trade is a buy or a sell so this data is estimated based on the trade price received and the LSE-quoted mid-price at the point the trade is placed. It should only be considered an indication and not a recommendation.
Trades priced above the mid-price at the time the trade is placed are labelled as a buy; those priced below the mid-price are sells; and those priced close to the mid-price or declared late are labelled 'N/A'.