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Household budget planner

This calculator will help you compare your income and expenditure.

Please note:

  • This calculator produces a snapshot of your budget at one moment in time based on the information you provide.
  • You should re-calculate your budget regularly to reflect any changes in your circumstances.
  • Remember when checking payslips and statements that tax on income can change throughout the year.
  • You should not make, or refrain from making, any decisions based on this information alone. None of the information provided constitutes personal advice, if you are at all unsure you should seek advice.

Your details

Annual income - after tax and other deductions

Annual expenditure

Household bills

Living costs




Additional expenses

Your results

Annual income - after tax and other deductions:


Annual expenditure:

Annual difference:

Monthly difference:
Home and garden maintenance.
Including gas, electricity, water, phone, internet and TV.
Including toiletries and alcohol.
Including dental, eye care, prescriptions and medicines.
Including socialising and eating out.
Including home, car, life, and travel insurance.
Including car finance.
Including MOTs and servicing.
Including vet bills.
Including pension contributions and ISAs. Remember, some contributions may have already been accounted for when confirming income after deductions.
Check payslips or P60s for the amount after tax and all deductions.
Check payslips, statements or P60s for the amount after tax and all deductions.
Remember the tax on the state pension may be being paid from other income.
This is your profit less tax.