Strategic report Governance Financial statements Other information DIRECTORS’ REMUNERATION POLICY (SUMMARY) CONTINUED Non-Executive Directors Component / purpose and link to strategy Operation and performance measures Base Salary Non-Executive Directors are paid an annual base fee with fees for additional roles (for example, Senior Independent Director or Chair of a Board Committee and/or Chair Supports the attraction and retention of high or member of a Group company board). performing individuals, considering both the market value of the position and the individual’s skills, The Chair’s and Non-Executive Directors’ basic fees are reviewed annually and any increases, if applicable, are normally effectivefrom 1 July. experience and performance. The fee levels are set taking into account relevant factors, such as time commitment and market data for comparable positions, and taking account of the time commitment required for the role. All Non-Executive Directors’ fees including those below are paid in cash on a monthly basis or such other frequency as determined by the Board. The Non-Executive Directors are not eligible for bonuses, pension or to participate in any Group employee share plan. Committee Chair fees Each Non-Executive Director receives an additional fee for each Committee for which they are Chair. Recognises the additional time commitment and responsibility involved in chairing a Committee of The Committee Chair fees reflect the additional time and responsibility in chairing a committee of the Board, including time spent liaising with management and preparing the Board. for a committee of the Board. Senior Independent Director (SID) fee The SID receives an additional fee for his or her role. Recognises the additional time commitment and responsibility involved in holding the role of the SID. The fee reflects the additional time and responsibility in fulfilling the role of Senior Independent Director. Benefits and expenses Non-executive directors may be eligible to receive benefits such as travel and other reasonable expenses. To appropriately reimburse the Chair and Non- Executive Directors for out-of-pocket expenses Where costs are necessarily incurred in the performance of duties on behalf of the Company, those costs will be reimbursed in full, e.g. travel, accommodation, incurred in the fulfilment of their responsibilities and subsistence, relocation, and any tax and social costs arising. any tax and social costs arising. Expenses may be claimed by the Chair and Non-Executive Directors in line with the Company’s expenses policy. Appropriate Director insurance and indemnity cover is provided by the Company. Some Group services are provided at a reduced cost, on the same basis as for all other employees. Where benefits are provided to non-executive directors, they will be provided at a level considered to be appropriate, taking into account individual circumstances. 96 Hargreaves Lansdown Report and Financial Statements 2021